image shows: Ancient wall painting found at the hall could give clues to a great mystery

Image shows: Ancient wall painting found at the hall could give clues to a great mystery

Image ID: 34

I was very excited to find what I believe is an ancient wall painting in the wash room at the Farkam Hall estate office. In recent conversations with Professor Handel Morgan I have been more and more convinced that the Penge worshippers had stopped here hundreds of years ago in their "Taith Gerdded", or big walk of 1192ad.

The painting I believe clearly shows a goat being readied for sacrifice. This must have been from the later days of the order when virgins were becoming a bit scarce, so alternative sacrifices had to be found and offered to the goddess, Penge.

Professor Morgan is on his way to take some photographs, measurements and samples from the scene and I can't wait to hear the results of his deliberations.

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Image showing Ancient wall painting found at the hall could give clues to a great mystery courtesy of